Monday, June 28, 2010

Crisis Nursery

The Crisis Nursery is a house composed of a front office, three small nurseries (critical infants, younger infants, and older infants), a play area/feeding area, and kitchen. It is an approximate 15 minute walk from Teethsaver’s house. The Crisis Nursery is run by a woman named Ana, and is located in front of Mwai’s house (the coordinator for the mobile clinic). The nursery has full time caregivers that help in taking care of the children via feeding and changing. There is usually a full-time nurse who works in the critical care nursery for the newest children who are brought to the nursery. For instance, this past Friday, a new addition we originally knew as Maria was brought to the nursery. Maria, who turned out to be MariO (a boy), was given up due to the fact that his mother died shortly after his birth and his father couldn’t take care of him. Upon entrance, he weighed 1.7 kg (~4lbs), is maybe 7 inches long (if that), and is only 1-2 weeks old. He is so small and mostly skin and bone. It’s heartbreaking really. On Sunday, we found out from Gerda that he has a fever of about 104 F. So I will let you know more when I can. Hopefully he pulls through and is able to gain strength and survive. Please feel free to pray for Mario!

The other children are all so unique. Tea always has a very discerning look (I’ll send a picture when I can). I enjoy Jessie who is a twin of Justina. Chisomo is the first child I ever met upon entrance to the nursery. I came in very unsure of what I should expect or what I should do. There was Chisomo standing a few feet from the ground grabbing to be held. I picked him up even though I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to. When I went to put him down on request of the staff, Chisomo went into a fit. I have learned that Chisomo loves tantrums. Blackstone is another interesting case. He is a 26-28month old infant yet has some development issues because he still the size of a 12-14 month baby and is not at the mental level of a 26-28 month old. I learned that he initially was very malnourished, yet that was the only information I obtained as of now. One thing I will say, he is DEFINITELY NOT malnourished now. The child can EAT! He’ll eat someone else’s porridge if you don’t watch him. His stance when eating is to lean on your knee with mouth open and ready. He will WAIT as long as the food is coming!

More to come

Focal Verse: and Jesus said, “Let the children come to me…”

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