Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The last blog from Malawi, Africa

Hey guys,
So today is Tuesday and this is my last chance of using the internet before I head home!!! Yesterday, I stayed at the crisis nursery for the entire time without going anywhere for lunch. I was able to measure the children’s heights and weights, which I will assess tomorrow morning. We are going to have a big going-away party tomorrow at the nursery, which should be fun!!! I am going to miss the little kids, especially Jessie and Justina!! They are so adorable and full of life! Today I also went to the crisis nursery and am in town with Annie running some last minute errands. Wednesday will be spent assessing the growth percentiles of the children in the morning. Thursday will be my last mobile clinic (at least that is what I have been told) and I will pack once I am back. I leave Lilongwe at 1:15pm. I find it funny that you have to pay $30 just to leave Lilongwe!! Oh by the way, I am here over my 30 day visa so I had to go to immigration to renew my visa (thankfully I did not run into my “friend” ). I had to pay $30 to renew my visa and I will only be in the country for not even half a day! Lol oh well! Such is life!

So I will see you all soon!! Im leaving on a jet plane…

Love you all! Hope everything is great!

It's been a great adventure! Thanks for reading about my adventures!

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