This was my second mobile clinic and we traveled to the village of Selengo. Selengo is a beautiful area of rolling hills, which a rare thing in Africa. The operation ran very similarly to the first run through. We had a station for measuring weight, assessing temperature, assessing vitals, seeing the doctor, assessment at the lab, registration station, and the pharmacy. I did vitals again, which I must say I am definitely getting better, especially with the obstacles of crying babies and people moving while you are trying to obtain the blood pressure. I will say I have had my share of crying infants, which is always grand- nothing like a day of listening to the heart of an infant while they are crying full-bore. This day seemed to go a lot faster in comparison to the first clinic where the 4 of us in vitals kept looking to see where the end of the line was. I found out that while we saw 280 people(apparently) on the first clinic, we saw only 240 people this day.
After we were done with vitals, I was able to wander a bit and take pictures of the area and the kids. The kids there are definitely not shy. They LOVE cameras because they like to see what they look like. And good gracious if you don’t SHOW them their picture after taking it!!! Oh MY! All you hear is MZUNGU! MUZUNGU! Which means white person/foreigner. They want to get close to you, hold your hand, surround you, and have you take pictures. Casey and I played “duck, duck, Chicken” with them (ya apparently they do not have its not duck duck goose). Anyway, their game is not exactly the same as the game I played with my Sunday school kids. They like to continue running after you until they feel like sitting down. All I gotta say is THEY ARE FAST!! I was able to tag one and only one. I think it was mostly by chance. He decided to just keep running. Mind you I should tell you that they have this rule that if you get tagged when you were being chased that you had to sit in the middle of the circle. Also their circle is not really a circle more than it is a large mob of people. So I am sitting in the middle and get chosen, which I was unaware that you could be chosen if in the middle. So I have to jump over 3 kids just to start chasing this kid- needless to say he had a HEAD START and just was fast! So I chased him around the circle at least 8 times then stopped and started to strategize. In the end, he chose the wrong way to go and I got him. All in good fun :)
After playing with the kids, we packed up the van and started to head out. On the ride home, I found out that I was going to do a nutrition and health talk the next day on a day at the village. Thus, that was my homework for the night.
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